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The True Definition of Creativity: 6 Simple Steps to Be Creative On Demand

I was teaching my students how to schedule daily block time for the big creative work of their business when Kristin asked, “But what if your muse comes out at 3 in the morning.” I answered, “Sounds like you have to train your muses.” And that got me thinking about creativity… and the creative process. … Read more

How to Sell Without Selling: What a Cuban Pedicab Driver Taught Me About Sales

Murray and I walked out of our hotel in the Cuban coastal town of Cienfuegos and two pedicab drivers immediately flocked on us, asking us where we were from and following closely us as we walked down the street. They wouldn’t take “No” for an answer, and our mood quickly soured. We continued to walk … Read more

Unicorns Exist: How I Got to Inbox Zero and Reclaimed My Life

My mentor Brendon Burchard once said: “Email is nothing but an efficient organizing system for other people’s priorities.” Whenever I opened my email, I would remember his words, and weep inside a little. I had messages coming at me from all directions, from clients, partners, prospects, randoms, lists, subscriptions, accounts, notifications… you name it. My “email situation” as Murray was calling it had truly reached a breaking point. So here’s what I did about it…

The Cuba Paradox: Lessons on Innovation from the Tiniest Country that Could

Cruising up the Malecon in Havana, Cuba

Visiting Cuba is like entering a living time capsule from the 1950s… Classic cars crisscrossing the streets. Gorgeous architecture crumbling into decay. An economy struggling to come out of the cold war shadows. Murray and I had the distinct impression that Havana would have become the Paris of Latin America if the embargo hadn’t pushed the pause … Read more

How to Cure the “All or Nothing” Syndrome

I’ve seen hundreds of my best-intentioned students fall prey to what I call the “all or nothing syndrome”. They say to themselves: “I’ll build my business when I have time…” “I’ll focus on my business when I finish _________…” “I’ll work on my business when I’m feeling 100%…” I totally get it. This really matters … Read more

12 Lessons on Rock-Solid Commitment (Part 2)

A few weeks ago, I asked my tribe to share the lessons they learned about commitment.

Or how they made an unwavering commitment in their life… no matter what was going on in their life, health, family, the economy or the world.

I want to share their answers with you.

If you’ve ever struggled with procrastination, taking action or getting what you want, take 5 minutes to read this now.

It just may the fuel you need to propel your rocket ship to the stars… 🙂

Rock-Solid Commitment (Part 1)

“How strong is your commitment?”

It’s not a question we ask ourselves a lot…

But… it’s on my mind today.

I just finished a 19-day no-salt, no-sugar, no-meat, no-dairy cleanse and I’m preparing my first “normal meal” in weeks.

Yep. Nothing tasty for 19 days. :-))))

19 days of raw food, juice and salad.

We went on a business trip. And I stuck to my cleanse. (Not too hard considering airport food)

We were out to eat with friends in Oakland, and they tried again and again to tempt me away from my juice, but for some reason I just wasn’t interested.

The Power of Side Door Coaching

Has anyone in your life ever tried to give you some advice that you just couldn’t receive at the time?

A parent?

A partner?

A well-meaning friend?

A few weeks ago I hosted a Mastermind group for students in our home.

We did 2 solid days of laser coaching and at the end of the first day Donna came up to me and said:

“It’s amazing how people can’t see their own blind spots when they’re so clear to everyone else in the room.”

Your Path to “Internet Famous” Starts Here…

Your path to “Internet Famous” begins with you getting clear on what you’re about. Your big “Why”.

And it continues through you Living Your Message — and being completely, unabashedly, authentically you. Everywhere. Online, and off.

Here’s how this played out for me recently while returning from Canada recently.