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The Power of Side Door Coaching

A concrete wall with a yellow wooden door labeled 406 at the center. Four bicycles are parked to the left of the door on a paved area, with dim lighting casting shadows on the wall.

Has anyone in your life ever tried to give you some advice that you just couldn’t receive at the time?

A parent?

A partner?

A well-meaning friend?

A few weeks ago I hosted a Mastermind group for students in our home.

We did 2 solid days of laser coaching and at the end of the first day Donna came up to me and said:

“It’s amazing how people can’t see their own blind spots when they’re so clear to everyone else in the room.”

6 Secrets to Make the Impossible Happen, Daily…

A person stands triumphantly on a rock by the sea, silhouetted against a vivid pink and purple sunset sky. Several large rock formations protrude from the water in the background.

“Marisa, what’s your secret?,” Deborah asked. I had just wrapped up teaching Your Offer in a Weekend on the heels of our big Message to Money Live event… Deborah had been at both events… she watched me give every ounce I had day-after-day, speaking, performing, coaching, facilitating… and she knew I was going to lead a VIP day with a client the very next day.

“Is this… normal… for you?,” so asked. I nodded. “How you give so much day after day without completely exhausting yourself? I get tired just watching you…” It’s a question I get a lot…