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The Art of Business Alchemy: How to Turn Your Weaknesses into Your Greatest Strengths

Marisa Murgatroyd

The Flatiron Building in NYC is one of the most photographed, recognizable buildings in the world but that wasn’t always the case. Back when it was built in 1902 everyone thought it looked totally bizarre. But guess what? The thing that eventually made the Flatiron a world-class landmark is the SAME thing you’ll use in your business to stand out from the crowd and get your dream clients to see you’re someone to watch, someone to love, someone to follow and someone to trust.

How to Build a Tribe When You Think You’re Too Old, Too Ordinary or Just Too Blah

When it comes to building a loyal, engaged tribe, most entrepreneurs I know struggle with an inner voice that whispers all kinds of mean stuff that’s totally false. But here’s the truth: You don’t have to be tall, an extrovert, look like a movie star or be a certain age to create powerful, REAL relationships with people. So in today’s post, I’m sharing proven tips and techniques to create real relationships and build a loyal, engaged tribe, no matter who you are or what you look like.

Break Every Rule But This One: How to Get Your Voice Heard, Build a Business You Love and Cure Shiny Object Syndrome for Good

Marisa Murgatroyd

As an entrepreneur, I’m sure you’ve heard of “Shiny Object Syndrome,” where you get pulled in a hundred different directions because you just HAVE to try that latest marketing tactic that everyone’s raving about. In this week’s brand, new video I’m sharing the ONE rule to follow to get your voice heard, stand out from the crowd and build a business that’s both profitable AND a reflection of who you are (and kiss Shiny Object Syndrome goodbye!)

Why Fake It ‘Till You Make It Is the Worst Advice… Ever

“Fake it ‘till you make it” is the WORST advice you could get as an entrepreneur… It’ll hold you back from authentic confidence and credibility and you might even end up destroying your reputation for good. Today’s post is about leaving “fake it ‘till you make it” in the dust and taking specific steps to get to REAL confidence and lasting success in your business.

Designing Your Life: Why You MUST Tune into Who You Truly Are This Year (and Every Year)

I never used to think of intentions, wishes & hopes as business strategies but I recently realized there’s actually a lot of power in feeling into what wants to emerge, to staying true to who you TRULY are and what you TRULY want. So, in today’s video, I’m talking about the joy and extraordinary success that can come from tuning into your deepest awareness so that you can create exactly what you want in your life and business.

The Magic of Querencia: Getting Where You Want to Go by Being Where You Are

Lately I’ve been reflecting on where I want to go in 2019, how I want to grow, change & evolve. But then I remembered something from high school that (to my surprise) made me realize… I’m happy right where I am now! In today’s video I’m sharing about the magic of Querencia and how it can keep you from destroying your own happiness (and your business in the process!)

Do NOT Break This Marketing Rule if You Want to Sell Anything

TBH lots of people suck at sales and marketing. They drag themselves through expensive courses and training programs hoping to get better, but never see any results. That’s probably because they’re breaking the #1 Rule in Marketing (and they don’t even know it!) I’m sharing this almighty marketing rule (and how not to break it) in today’s post…

How the “Know, Like & Trust Factor” is Limiting Your Success: What I Learned from My Mother About Authentic Leadership

If you’ve been in business for more than 5 minutes, you’ve heard that the “know, like and trust factor” is necessary to inspire your audience to buy from you. But the “know, like and trust factor” can backfire. Big time. Find out how to maximize the “know, like and trust factor” to build an authentic, honest relationship with your audience while still maintaining the authority and respect you want and deserve.