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Rock-Solid Commitment (Part 1)

“How strong is your commitment?”

It’s not a question we ask ourselves a lot…

But… it’s on my mind today.

I just finished a 19-day no-salt, no-sugar, no-meat, no-dairy cleanse and I’m preparing my first “normal meal” in weeks.

Yep. Nothing tasty for 19 days. :-))))

19 days of raw food, juice and salad.

We went on a business trip. And I stuck to my cleanse. (Not too hard considering airport food)

We were out to eat with friends in Oakland, and they tried again and again to tempt me away from my juice, but for some reason I just wasn’t interested.

The Power of Side Door Coaching

Has anyone in your life ever tried to give you some advice that you just couldn’t receive at the time?

A parent?

A partner?

A well-meaning friend?

A few weeks ago I hosted a Mastermind group for students in our home.

We did 2 solid days of laser coaching and at the end of the first day Donna came up to me and said:

“It’s amazing how people can’t see their own blind spots when they’re so clear to everyone else in the room.”

How to Take Action in the Face of Fear, Doubt and Uncertainty (Try this!)

Two weeks ago Murray and I were visiting my dear friend Celine up in Big Sur.

We had always been sisters of sorts with some uncanny parallels: We’re both 37; half Asian, half European; graduates of Brown University; with family in California, Thailand and Costa Rica.

But that’s where the similarities stop.

So I asked her the Big Question that was racing through my mind…

Money Warp: How To Create As Much Money As You Need On A Daily Basis (Try this)

The other day I got on the phone with one of our community members. Let’s call her Sue. Sue told me she was desperate for 1-1 coaching but she didn’t have the money for it.

She wasn’t interested in any other options for support. She was clear she wanted private time with me, but she couldn’t pay for it. So we had a dilemma. Sue wanted something that she couldn’t afford. And the conversation stopped there.

Here’s what happened next…

Time Warp: How To Create As Much Time As You Need On A Daily Basis (Try this)

How can Richard Branson possibly run over 400 companies?

Well, the other day I was traveling with my friend Natalie Ledwell. Just like me she’s into positive thinking, body hacks, nutrition and all the ways to bend time and do more… while enjoying more. (Yes it’s possible!)

She shared with me her personal strategy. And it goes like this…

My Surprising Definition of Success

I was at a live event this weekend and the facilitator asked a seemingly simple but powerful question: “What is your definition of success?”

The question landed and took root. (It’s been a question I’ve been wrestling with the past few months.)

Someone piped up: “My definition of success is to make millions. Save millions. Help millions. And spend millions…” Sounds good, right? But that answer didn’t sit with me.

I couldn’t help asking myself, then what?

The Imperfectionist’s Manifesto: The Art of Taking Imperfect Action

Perfectionism. It’s like kryptonite for smart people.

Almost 80% of us smarty-pants are perfectionists.

It’s what makes us awesome… and formidable…

And what stops us DEAD in our tracks.

So lost in the details we lose perspective.

It’s one thing to have Big Hairy Audacious Goals (otherwise known as BHAGs)… it’s another thing to set those goals so high they’re impossible to achieve… and to tether our self-worth to mission impossible.

That’s a recipe for depression, stress, anxiety and other health issues. Literally.

Research shows us high-achievers suffer more than the average bear… and we often leave in our wake a trail of broken dreams and broken relationships.

With great gifts, sometimes comes great suffering.

My name is Marisa Murgatroyd and I’m a perfectionist.

They say the first step to recovery is admitting that I can’t control my compulsion towards perfectionism.

So there it is.

How to PRE-Qualify Your Prospects: The Secret to Crafting Free Consultation Pages that Attract Your Ideal Clients

If you sell any kind of 1:1 or high-end group offerings such as coaching, consulting, speaking or done-for-you services, the first step to enrolling new customers is usually getting a prospect on the phone to see if it’s a fit.

One of the fastest ways to fill your coaching, consulting, speaking or service business is to do more free initial consultations with qualified prospects.

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve talked to students who were having a hard-time filling their practice. Then, when I asked them how many initial consultations they were doing, they said none. Zip. Zero. So it was pretty obvious why they didn’t have the client-base they wanted.

And, when I reviewed their website, 9 times out of 10, they didn’t have a good process in place to turn visitors into prospects by getting them signed up for a free discovery call.

Not a lot of Wordpress or Squarespace templates come with this functionality baked into it, so most people just add a “schedule a call” link or button on their coaching or services page and that really doesn’t work well enough, especially when you’re first getting started and you don’t already have people coming to you site ready to work with you. That’s why we’ve included 2 free consultation page templates optimized to get the right people on the phone with you in our Take Flight Now web packages.

Here’s the simple 2-step process we use for optimizing your website to grow your client-base:

What a French Shopkeeper Just Taught Me About Business…

It was 12:25pm.

Denis could have been hard at work in his little Provencal grocery store.

But instead, his store was shuttered, and he was outside sitting on the bench with his wife, watching life go by.

Looking calm and relaxed, he turned and greeted us as we walked past.

“It’s a beautiful day!” he said cheerfully.

Each day, they open at 8:30am and then go home for lunch by 12:30pm.

And then, if their grandkids aren’t being too cute (and if they feel like it), they re-open again from 3:30-5:30pm.

They work no more than 6 hours a day, 5 days a week.

Sometimes they decide to take an extra day off just because…

Spontaneously shuttering their doors and setting off to visit their daughter or whatever else they feel like doing.

We told them how amazing this was to us, being city folks from a busy-land.

“We work when we want, not when you want..” he replied, his eyes glittering.