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The Imperfectionist’s Manifesto: The Art of Taking Imperfect Action

Perfectionism. It’s like kryptonite for smart people.

Almost 80% of us smarty-pants are perfectionists.

It’s what makes us awesome… and formidable…

And what stops us DEAD in our tracks.

So lost in the details we lose perspective.

It’s one thing to have Big Hairy Audacious Goals (otherwise known as BHAGs)… it’s another thing to set those goals so high they’re impossible to achieve… and to tether our self-worth to mission impossible.

That’s a recipe for depression, stress, anxiety and other health issues. Literally.

Research shows us high-achievers suffer more than the average bear… and we often leave in our wake a trail of broken dreams and broken relationships.

With great gifts, sometimes comes great suffering.

My name is Marisa Murgatroyd and I’m a perfectionist.

They say the first step to recovery is admitting that I can’t control my compulsion towards perfectionism.

So there it is.