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How to PRE-Qualify Your Prospects: The Secret to Crafting Free Consultation Pages that Attract Your Ideal Clients

An open planner lies on a wooden surface, displaying a monthly calendar layout. The pages are blank, with dates visible and some faint handwritten notes in the margins. The background is softly blurred.

If you sell any kind of 1:1 or high-end group offerings such as coaching, consulting, speaking or done-for-you services, the first step to enrolling new customers is usually getting a prospect on the phone to see if it’s a fit.

One of the fastest ways to fill your coaching, consulting, speaking or service business is to do more free initial consultations with qualified prospects.

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve talked to students who were having a hard-time filling their practice. Then, when I asked them how many initial consultations they were doing, they said none. Zip. Zero. So it was pretty obvious why they didn’t have the client-base they wanted.

And, when I reviewed their website, 9 times out of 10, they didn’t have a good process in place to turn visitors into prospects by getting them signed up for a free discovery call.

Not a lot of Wordpress or Squarespace templates come with this functionality baked into it, so most people just add a “schedule a call” link or button on their coaching or services page and that really doesn’t work well enough, especially when you’re first getting started and you don’t already have people coming to you site ready to work with you. That’s why we’ve included 2 free consultation page templates optimized to get the right people on the phone with you in our Take Flight Now web packages.

Here’s the simple 2-step process we use for optimizing your website to grow your client-base: