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How the Most “Offensive” Email I Ever Sent Brought in $60,000 in Sales

Force people to make a choice about you

My finger hovered above the “Send” button for what seemed like an hour. The email I was about to send would be a powerful one. It had the potential to inspire and help a lot of people. It was written in the same honest and plain-talking voice that we’ve used to attract and built a … Read more

The 7 Day Internet Cleanse: How a Week without Internet Rekindled My Gratitude

Welcome to Cuba

Being completely unplugged from my business ranks as something too terrible to even contemplate… It’s literally the stuff of my nightmares… Fast forward. Day 1 in Cuba. Murray and I try to get online, but can’t.  The connection is so bad we can’t even check email. A momentary feeling of panic rises. We could have done what we … Read more

How to Cure the “All or Nothing” Syndrome

I’ve seen hundreds of my best-intentioned students fall prey to what I call the “all or nothing syndrome”. They say to themselves: “I’ll build my business when I have time…” “I’ll focus on my business when I finish _________…” “I’ll work on my business when I’m feeling 100%…” I totally get it. This really matters … Read more

Rock-Solid Commitment (Part 1)

“How strong is your commitment?”

It’s not a question we ask ourselves a lot…

But… it’s on my mind today.

I just finished a 19-day no-salt, no-sugar, no-meat, no-dairy cleanse and I’m preparing my first “normal meal” in weeks.

Yep. Nothing tasty for 19 days. :-))))

19 days of raw food, juice and salad.

We went on a business trip. And I stuck to my cleanse. (Not too hard considering airport food)

We were out to eat with friends in Oakland, and they tried again and again to tempt me away from my juice, but for some reason I just wasn’t interested.

What You Can Learn from the Most Expensive Branding in the World

This summer Murray and I visited the Boeing Factory and discovered something that really surprised us.

The paint on the side of airplanes can weigh as much as half a ton and eat up serious fuel to fly that extra weight around.

American Airlines recently estimated that minimizing paint across their fleet would save them $19M in annual fuel costs.

Yet companies from Korean Air to budget provider Spirit Airlines know that it’s a solid investment to paint their planes from head to toe with their brand color and logo.

But for many online entrepreneurs, branding & design is at the bottom of their priority list..

They think their content speaks for itself. That the quality of their expertise, products or services will shine through regardless of whether it comes in a pretty package.

They’re wrong.

Exactly What to Talk About (and When) to Build a Loyal Tribe of Repeat Buyers

It’s funny. Every year at around this time, we turn with renewed attention and focus to our business, and try to come up with “new” ways and means to find success.

But the truth is that the principles of success are remarkably simple and never change.

It seems funny to have to say it — and perhaps goes against all the “guru” advice out there — but you can have all the growth and success you want in your business if….

Introducing Fractal Marketing (Internet Famous Principle #2)

Yesterday I was on the phone with one of our customers.

She had enrolled in 3 of our courses and she had signed up for our Take Flight Now “pro” package, which included visual branding and copywriting.

What she told me at the end of the call is that we had accelerated her process and helped her get to the core of what she was doing in a way that she didn’t have the tools to do on her own. Then she shared that our process seemed so organic and authentic. Previously she had been searching and searching outside of herself for clarity around her business. Our programs helped her go inside to find answers that were true to her.

Elizabeth had what I call a “fractal experience” of our work.

6 Secrets to Make the Impossible Happen, Daily…

“Marisa, what’s your secret?,” Deborah asked. I had just wrapped up teaching Your Offer in a Weekend on the heels of our big Message to Money Live event… Deborah had been at both events… she watched me give every ounce I had day-after-day, speaking, performing, coaching, facilitating… and she knew I was going to lead a VIP day with a client the very next day.

“Is this… normal… for you?,” so asked. I nodded. “How you give so much day after day without completely exhausting yourself? I get tired just watching you…” It’s a question I get a lot…

[Funny Email Templates] How (NOT) to Lose 80% of Your Business in a Single Interaction

Have you ever had a customer service experience that felt like fingernails dragging across a chalkboard?

Where the person you were speaking to stuck to a mindless script and was completely disempowered to make any real decisions?

Unfortunately this happens a LOT.

And research shows that 80% of prospects and customers are lost in a single interaction.

So let me ask you, what happens when a fan, prospect or customer emails your helpdesk or calls your office?

How long does it take them to get a response?

Does the tone, spirit and content of that response represent your company values and brand personality?

The larger your business grows, the more important it is to have your customer service dialed in.

Let me give you two quick personal examples of businesses that undermined their credibility with me in a matter of moments.

Then I’ll share 2 email templates for how to do it RIGHT. 🙂