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Pinterest for Business: Tips and Best Practices to Get Traffic

By now you’ve probably heard about the hot new (or not so new) social network Pinterest. You may have taken a guilty pleasure sneak peak and found yourself immersed in a vast wonderland of images.

Like all social networks, Pinterest is designed to suck you in and keep you there as long as possible. And it’s working…

Pinterest has been growing like wildfire. We’ve seen statistics suggesting that it drives more referral traffic than YouTube, Google+ and LinkedIn combined. You’re probably also aware that the majority of Pinterest users are women — 83% in fact, according to the latest survey results. But I’m not here to bore you with statistics.

I’m here to show you a few best practices to drive traffic and leads to your website using Pinterest — from how to set up your profile to what to pin about and how to build your following.

The 3 Things the Best Business Websites Do

There are 5 words I hear over and over again in my business, “I need a new website.”

And 4 words that I rarely hear, “I love my website.”

With over 160 million website online, why is it so hard to find business owners who love their sites?

The reason is simple. Most businesses are looking at their website in the wrong way. At best, they see it as a tool, a technology, a business necessity. At worst, they see it as a burden or necessary evil.

But, what if your website has the potential to be much more than that?

What if your website was YOU?

Let me explain.

How to Launch a New Product Online: What to Do and What NOT to Do

My client Morgan Langan once told me, “Launching isn’t for pussies” and I have to agree.

They should make t-shirts: “I just survived my first product launch!”

While we’ve built product launch platforms for other entrepreneurs, this is the first time I’ve walked through the fire myself and I wanted to share the mistakes I made and the lessons I learned.

I just “closed the cart” on Message to Money and I’m excited to have over 60 amazing entrepreneurs and small business owners in the program.

So how did I pull off such a successful first launch? Or what should you do to launch a new product online?

How to Start a Blog (in just minutes) with Bluehost

I’m Murray and here at Live Your Message, I specialize in creating tools that help simplify complicated things in your business. I’ve done social tools and website testing tools, as well as complete business marketing solutions. I thrive on helping people make their business run better – and one thing that can help is by starting a blog.

You get the chance to give a real voice to not just your business, but YOURSELF. And the market gets a chance to figure out not just who you are, but what you stand for, and what you believe in. What better way to attract new clients but to write from your heart and alllow people to come to you simply because you’re “their kind of people?”

If you need any proof that this strategy of telling people your big WHY works, look no further than Apple’s Steve Jobs.

But I digress — this article was supposed to be a practical one, showing you HOW you get start your own blog in just a couple of minutes.

3 Seconds to Success: Website Branding Reinvented

Is it just me or is the internet looking less and less like this these days?

You get my drift: bold headlines, outrageous claims, flashing graphics, giant arrows…

Gone are the ugly sites like Geocities and MySpace and emerging in their place are a newer breed of website where design matters. A lot.

I’ll go so far as to say that for the first time in the history of the internet, design has become more important than content.

And, I’m not the only one noticing that the Web is getting prettier.

Mindvalley — the online marketing and publishing powerhouse — now spends just as much time and money on design as they do on content.

That doesn’t mean all those hours you’ve spent agonizing over content — from web copy to blog posts — have been in vain.

It simply means that if you don’t have good, even great design, people aren’t going to stick around and read that content you’ve toiled over.

Proven Social Media System for Small Business

OK, so you have a small business and you want to do social media right. But what does it take to really do social media in a way that grows your business?

The good news is that I’ve created a 5-step social media system to help you get real business results fast… and I’m giving away all my ninja tricks here so you can:

• build your network and following
• deepen relationships with partners, prospects and clients
• position yourself as an expert and leading authority
• increase your search engine visibility
• and generate targeted traffic to your website

The bad news for all you Facebook addicts is that this system doesn’t involve wasting hours each day on Facebook.

OK, so here’s the bird’s eye view:

1. FOUNDATION – maximize and target traffic coming to your website and social media channels

7 Essential Guidelines for Branding a Business

Always remember: Your business is about more than just what you do, it’s about how and why you do it.

People choose to work with YOU because of the how and why, not the what.

Let’s face it. There are other people out there who can do what you do. But not necessarily in the way that you do it.

And it’s that secret sauce, that magic, that je ne sais quoi that makes all the difference between a yes and a no.

So, how do you go about branding a business?

These 7 branding guidelines will get you started powerfully:

1. Get inspired. Start by identifying 5 businesses or brands that you admire and want to be like. Which elements or emotions do you want to incorporate into your brand?

The Top 2 Business Questions to Ask

Have you ever asked yourself, why can’t I do this? Or how can I succeed when there are so many people out there who do what I do? Or, even, what’s wrong with me?

…only to find that the question led to an onslaught of negativity, anxiety and self-doubt?

The problem isn’t that you’re not good enough, smart enough, young enough, or [insert your biggest fear or doubt here]…

The problem is that you’re asking the wrong questions. Let me explain.

Tony Robbins says: “Change your questions, change your life.” Because our questions determine our focus, and our focus directly determines our results.

So, what questions should you be asking yourself every day to open possibilities rather than problems? What questions should you be asking yourself if you want massive success in your business?

I can tell you it’s not the usual questions like, “what email marketing service should I use?”

The two most powerful questions in business are really quite simple…

Why Your Personal Brand Matters (regardless of what business you’re in)

While your topic or what you do will change and evolve as you continue in business and the needs of the marketplace shift, who you are at your core stays constant. You are through line of your work.

Many people make the mistake of building their company brand without taking the time to define themselves and build rich personal relationships with their audience. The problem is, if your reputation is dependent on a particular business and you decide to change your industry, topic or area of expertise later, it becomes more difficult to take your audience with you and you may find yourself pigeonholed or stuck in a niche.

But if you take the time now to build deep relationships based on your personal values, story and personality, your audience will follow you wherever you want to go – giving you the freedom to consciously craft your career – as long as you maintain a consistent personal brand.

The Secret to Business Freedom (and a life you love)

If you focus every day on your to do list – the never-ending activities that stack up in the life of any entrepreneur – you’ll always be overwhelmed and you’ll never be free. Because work expands like a gas to fill the time that you have. It’s kind of like Whac-A-Mole, as soon as you check one task, another one rears its ugly head.

Now add your inbox to the equation and forget about it. Your fate is sealed. You mind as well go back to your day job where you could at least turn off the computer and check out for the night at 5 or 6 pm.

A great life can’t be lived between tasks and emails. Somewhere along the line you’ll lose touch with your humanity, the emotional fuel that allows you to find fulfillment in the everyday and to connect with everyone along the way.

I learned this the hard way when I set off at the end of May for a month-long workation in Europe…