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Top 10 Membership Site Platforms + How to Pick the Best 4U!

Top 10 Membership Site Platforms

You need a membership site. That’s what every one of your peers tells you. Coaches, consultants, authors, healers, and speakers all make extra money with a membership site.
But what kind of membership site should you use?

Unicorns Exist: How I Got to Inbox Zero and Reclaimed My Life

My mentor Brendon Burchard once said: “Email is nothing but an efficient organizing system for other people’s priorities.” Whenever I opened my email, I would remember his words, and weep inside a little. I had messages coming at me from all directions, from clients, partners, prospects, randoms, lists, subscriptions, accounts, notifications… you name it. My “email situation” as Murray was calling it had truly reached a breaking point. So here’s what I did about it…

How to Save Hours Every Day (and naturally be more productive) with this Simple Help Desk Strategy

If I were to do a quick poll of my audience and ask them what is the biggest time suck in your business, email would be right at the top of the list.

Probably followed by social media (but we’ll talk about that another time).

How many of you dread going away on a business trip or vacation and coming back to hundreds (if not thousands) of messages in your inbox?

Or simply waking up each morning to 50+ new emails that need answering?

Every single time we send a broadcast email to our list, we get dozens of responses from people thanking us, asking questions and…. sometimes complaining.

And we’re committed to answering all those messages – without checking email all day long and breaking focus on the more important tasks in our business.

So how do we do that?