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Two Simple Secrets to Discovering Your Authentic Voice & Attracting Your Tribe

A person in a yellow jacket and pom-pom beanie stands on a cloud-covered mountaintop, gazing at the expansive blue sky above. A backpack is slung over their shoulder. The scene conveys a sense of exploration and tranquility.

One of my absolute favorite things to do on vacation is to sit down with a good book. Not a business book, mind you. Fiction. Especially the work of the Japanese author Haruki Marukami, who I consider the greatest writer alive today. I’ve read absolutely everything he’s ever written, except for some reason, his first … Read more

Leaderboard Love: How a Little “Friendly Competition” Can Move Your Tribe into Massive Action

Silhouettes of four people against a vibrant sunset. One person stands with hands in prayer, another jumps with arms raised, while the remaining two strike different poses. Birds fly in the background, and colorful clouds fill the sky.

Whether in business or life, have you ever thought about why you take the actions you take on a daily basis? What is that really motivates you to take action and stay in action? Is it the sheer joy of what you do or is it the promise of some kind of reward or outcome? … Read more