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How to Publish Your Blog to Amazon Kindle in 5 Minutes or Less

Very few people realize that you can actually publish your blog directly to Amazon Kindle.

The really cool thing about this strategy is that allows your tribe to download your blog posts to their Kindles to read anytime they like – even when they’re not online. That means they could be reading your blog post in line at the grocery store or from the top of Mt. Everest if they want to….

This gives the content you’ve already created WAY more visibility and reach.

Now, there are a few nuances to doing this. And, in this tutorial, I’m going to teach you step-by-step exactly how to publish your blog to Amazon Kindle.

The first thing you need to know is that, although your blog is published to the Kindle platform, it is different from the KDP platform or the place where you publish your Kindle books, which is called Kindle Direct Publishing. It’s pretty easy to do.

Just head over to This is where you do your blog publishing. And it’s entirely different from the Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) platform. Here’s the thing, you can sign up and create a new account but your KDP credentials will not automatically work. You need create a new free account on this platform.

Once you navigate over to that URL, at the very top of the page you’ll see, “Your Blogs.” Click there. Once you’re in the program, you will click “Add Blog” right over there off to the side. Just click the little plus sign and it will take you to this page where you’re going to add your blog.

Specifically, Kindle needs your RSS feed. So you’re going to put in your RSS feed there and then you’re going to validate the feed right here. You will then pop this little green check mark that says “Feed validation successful” which means Kindle and your blog are talking, right? That’s cool.

Then it will bring you to this page and you’re going to need to—again, give the specifics about your blogs, you’re going to put in your blog title—so in this case I put in “Daniel Hall Presents”.

Then you put in your blog description to really inspire new people to read your blog.

Top Converting Home Pages (Part 3 of 3) – The “Authority” Site [Template Inside]

This 3-part blog series on the top converting home pages is devoted to helping you choose a website that not only looks good, but actually supports your specific business model.

Not all websites are created equally and finding the right layout can add tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars to your bottom line, while allowing you to make a bigger impact.

In our first post in this series, I talked about the “list build” site, which is great IF you’re an information marketer or online business owner whose business model is based primarily on selling trainings, group programs, or products. The #1 goal of the “list build” site is to turn a new website visitor into a subscriber to your email list.

On our second post, I revealed the “call me” site, which is best for coaches, consultants, creatives, independent professionals or service providers whose business model is based primarily on 1:1 advice and done-for-you services. The #1 goal of the “call me” site is to inspire a new lead or website visitor to get on the phone with you for a free discovery session.

Our 3rd kind of website is the “authority” site. This site is for you if you’re an author, speaker, media personality, or thought leader whose business model is based on primarily on selling books and ideas, getting paid to speak, or high-end consulting.

The # goal of the “authority” site is position yourself as the #1 authority in your field so you can build a following, attract new opportunities, and command high fees.

Why? Because the most well-known, best-paid leaders and consultants are not just brilliant experts, they’re brilliant marketers who understand how to build and position their value. (Or they’re smart enough to hire someone to brand and position them.)

So what exactly does an “authority” site look like?

First let me share one of our top converting “authority” home page wireframes, so you can get an instant visual, then down below I’ll break it down for you section by section so you know exactly why this wireframe is so powerful.

Top Converting Home Pages (Part 1 of 3) – The “List Build” Site [Template Inside]

There’s a “to-do” list inside every business owner’s head, and on that list we all have a checkbox labeled “website.”

Trouble is, for many people, this checkbox can be a daunting one to tick.

There are so many buttons, options and choices that it can be tempting to just grab a cheap template or theme-based “one-size-fits-all” site.

Can’t say I blame you.

We’ve all got better things to do than worrying about websites, and smart companies like WordPress and Squarespace make it insanely easy to create a perfectly nice-looking & functional site in just minutes.

So what’s the problem? Well, Dear Reader, here’s the thing…

A template-based, “one-size-fits-all” website is fine if you’re just starting out and you’re desperate to check that box. But it’s not so good if you have a business that relies on the internet to bring in leads and sales every single day.

If you’re in a business where converting just a few percent more can mean thousands if not tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars to your bottom line OR if you have (or some day want to have) a 6, 7 or 8-figure online business, then you’ve got to dig a little deeper and leave that one-size-fits-all site behind.

NEWSFLASH: Just like there’s more than one kind of business model you can choose from, there are different kinds of websites (that serve different purposes.)

In this new 3-part blog series, I’m going to demystify all this for you by talking about the ONLY 3 kinds of home page layouts you should consider using. PLUS I’ll even give you the exact templates to use to make it even more drop-dead easy for you.

These templates are the 3 best-converting home page layouts that we’ve ever developed in our branding and web agency, working with $50,000+ clients.