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“The Compound Effect” – How Small Actions Produce Big Results

It takes 30 days to form a new habit — whether that’s exercise, meditation or making videos…

The 30 Day Video Challenge is all about getting comfortable in front of the camera and turning video marketing into a habit in your business. So you feel confident enough to record yourself anytime and anywhere — whether you’re launching a new product or simply want to share an idea or message.

Success Magazine editor, Darren Hardy, wrote a book called “The Compound Book” which is all about the power of forming habits and making conscious decisions…. in this book, Darren shows how the small actions and decisions you make on a daily basis add up to huge results.

Simply by changing how you spend 15 minutes a day will add up to over 90 hours a year. Instead of watching TV or surfing Facebook or flipping through the pages of your favorite guilty pleasure magazine, what if you spent that time watching training videos or reading books related to your industry?

In this video, I talk about the systems and habits I’ve put in place in my business to keep me moving forward regardless of how I’m feeling.

Product Launch Example: What Worked & What Didn’t (Message to Money 2)

Last October, I gave you the no-holds-barred low-down on what worked well and what DIDN’T in my first big product launch.
You loved the “inside” look I gave you into how that launch went down.

You loved my brutal honesty into the stuff that worked well and the stuff that almost killed me. 🙂

And from your comments it’s clear that not a lot of people share the honest, unadulterated truth — numbers and all — of what they’re really making online.

So here it is — round 2.

The complete, honest lowdown on my second launch of Message to Money.

Choosing Video Backgrounds & Locations

You’ve asked me, Marisa, how do I choose the best background for my videos?

So today’s video is focused on the pros and cons of indoor and outdoor locations.

Your background can make or break your video — either stealing the show from you or enhancing your performance and giving you a level of professionalism and credibility.

Find out exactly what to do and what not to do to to make videos that look pro.

How Long Should My Videos Be?

How much is too much or not enough? In this video, I answer a question you’ve been asking me and that is: “How long should my videos be?”

The answer is, “it depends.” It depends on what kind of video you’re making and where you’re going to put it.

In this video, I go over 4 types of videos — blog videos, home page videos, about page videos, and sales videos — and suggested lengths for each kind of video.

Heavens to Murgatroyd: The Origin of Me and My Name

In this video, I share the origin of me and my name.

So if you’ve been wondering who the hell has a name like Marisa Murgatroyd… or how do you pronounce it… or what does it even mean? Then you gotta watch this video.

Or if you’ve ever found yourself wondering… where is Marisa from? She looks _____ (insert adjective of choice). I’ve gotten it all: Funny, different, exotic, unique, Chinese, Latina — you name it!

Believe me when I say that I have some crazy stories to tell about spending 35 years with a name like “Marisa Murgatroyd.”

You know what they say, “short girl, funny name, big ideas.”

These days they’re even calling me the shortest girl in marketing…. the good news is that I’ll hit a million before I hit 5′ tall. Some goals are just outta your control… 🙂

How to Look at the Camera

80% of how people perceive you is based on non-verbal cues such as your posture and body language. And just 20% is based on what you actually say.

In this video, I show you exactly where to look when filming — how to look into the camera so people connect with you. And some common mistakes to avoid.

Get this wrong and you look shy, uncomfortable or even worse — sketchy and untrustworthy.

Get this right and you feel natural. After all, your eyes are the window into your soul.

How to Get Great Sound in Your Videos

In this video, I focus in how to get great sound in your videos using an external mic.

The reality is that after your content and how you show up, audio is the most important element in your videos.

If you don’t have good sound, people aren’t going to be able to connect with you and your message. So if your audio is too low or too high, if there’s too much static or background noise, people are going to check out.

The good news is that you don’t have to sink hundreds of dollars into a mic to get great-sounding videos. If you have an iPhone, simply use the headset that came with your phone. Drop the cords down your shirt and clip the mic to your shirt using an alligator clip. Check out this video blog from Jody Jelas for more details on rigging your iPhone up for great sound.

Or if you do prefer to invest in a mic that you’ll use for years to come, I recommend anything by Sennheiser. I use the Sennheiser EW100 G3 lavalier mic. If you look closely, you’ll see it clipped to my collar on every video I shoot… This set-up ran me a hefty $750, but my videos ALWAYS sound great and that’s worth a lot to me. 🙂

Quick Tips for Looking Great on Video

For me, this Challenge is about getting into the habit of video — being able to show up anytime, anywhere and be present and real.

That’s why I’m doing this Challenge without planning, scripts, lights or fancy production.

That said, there are some simple things you can do to look great on video.

In this video, I share some quick tips I learned from my 8-year career as a documentary film direct. Such as: how to hold the camera and frame yourself and exactly what to do with your hands so you look more natural and relaxed.

How to Stay on Purpose When Life Takes You Down

In this video, I share my personal strategies for staying positive, motivated and on purpose when life throws me some curve balls. I also reveal how I manage my time to focus on the top outcomes I want to achieve in my business.

Tony Robbins says that true mastery is not about eliminating challenges (that’s impossible), but anticipating them so they don’t throw you off track.