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How to Be On Top, Online in 2015: 8 Web Conversion Trends That Are Redefining Online Business in 2015

Blink your eyes three times. 1 second. That’s the amount of time it takes for 10 new websites to hit the internet.

That’s 86,400 new sites each day! Holy Christmas! How do you compete against that?

It’s actually easy when you tap into these 7 new conversion trends I’ve identified. Here they are, starting with The. MOST. Important. One. Of. All.

The one trend to Rule Them All…

Top Converting Home Pages (Part 3 of 3) – The “Authority” Site [Template Inside]

This 3-part blog series on the top converting home pages is devoted to helping you choose a website that not only looks good, but actually supports your specific business model.

Not all websites are created equally and finding the right layout can add tens or even hundreds of thousands of dollars to your bottom line, while allowing you to make a bigger impact.

In our first post in this series, I talked about the “list build” site, which is great IF you’re an information marketer or online business owner whose business model is based primarily on selling trainings, group programs, or products. The #1 goal of the “list build” site is to turn a new website visitor into a subscriber to your email list.

On our second post, I revealed the “call me” site, which is best for coaches, consultants, creatives, independent professionals or service providers whose business model is based primarily on 1:1 advice and done-for-you services. The #1 goal of the “call me” site is to inspire a new lead or website visitor to get on the phone with you for a free discovery session.

Our 3rd kind of website is the “authority” site. This site is for you if you’re an author, speaker, media personality, or thought leader whose business model is based on primarily on selling books and ideas, getting paid to speak, or high-end consulting.

The # goal of the “authority” site is position yourself as the #1 authority in your field so you can build a following, attract new opportunities, and command high fees.

Why? Because the most well-known, best-paid leaders and consultants are not just brilliant experts, they’re brilliant marketers who understand how to build and position their value. (Or they’re smart enough to hire someone to brand and position them.)

So what exactly does an “authority” site look like?

First let me share one of our top converting “authority” home page wireframes, so you can get an instant visual, then down below I’ll break it down for you section by section so you know exactly why this wireframe is so powerful.

What a French Shopkeeper Just Taught Me About Business…

It was 12:25pm.

Denis could have been hard at work in his little Provencal grocery store.

But instead, his store was shuttered, and he was outside sitting on the bench with his wife, watching life go by.

Looking calm and relaxed, he turned and greeted us as we walked past.

“It’s a beautiful day!” he said cheerfully.

Each day, they open at 8:30am and then go home for lunch by 12:30pm.

And then, if their grandkids aren’t being too cute (and if they feel like it), they re-open again from 3:30-5:30pm.

They work no more than 6 hours a day, 5 days a week.

Sometimes they decide to take an extra day off just because…

Spontaneously shuttering their doors and setting off to visit their daughter or whatever else they feel like doing.

We told them how amazing this was to us, being city folks from a busy-land.

“We work when we want, not when you want..” he replied, his eyes glittering.

Strategic Planning for Solopreneurs: From Vision to Implementation [Video Interview]

Some people call me the shortest woman in marketing. It’s true, I never quite reached 5′. And there are probably still a few rides at Disneyland that I can’t legally get on.

I’ve heard people whistle “It’s a Small World After All” as a I walked by… and I’ve heard just about every short person joke on the planet.

Including someone who once gave me an incredible complement – you know the kind that makes you light up… then asked, “Do you want to know who said that? The American Midget Association.”

Yup, I’ve heard it all. But what I’ve come to realize is that it’s often the small things – the small minute-by-minute choices we make each day about how to spend our time and focus – that transform our lives into what we want them to be.

While it’s essential to have a big vision for your business and life, it’s even more essential to take action each day to get there.

In this video, Sheila Davis interviews me about my strategic planning process.

The biggest takeaway I shared with her is that strategic planning is not just something you do each year or each quarter, but something you do every single day as you decide what to do with you time, minute by minute and hour by hour.

It really is the sum total of all those small choices that lead you towards the life you want and allow you to achieve your goals.

Strategic planning is not something that happens once a year, but something that happens every day.
It’s the small choices we make each and every day that change our lives into what we want them to be.

So my question to you is: what will you do today to create the life and business you imagine?