I’m a visual and personal branding expert and here’s something I tell all my clients…
Take professional shots as soon as you can afford it!
Pro photographers know how to capture the energy and image you want to project out into the world with beautiful, magnetic photos.
Great signature photos on your website say you’re an expert and a professional at what you do… and not someone dabbling with a hobby, on the side!
So HOW do make sure you look great in your signature shots?
Pass on the cheese!
“Say cheese” is a common instruction when it’s time to take a photo but actually saying “cheese” forces your cheek muscles up in an unnatural way…
And you’ll end up with a fake smile
So, try this instead…
Just before the flash goes off, imagine the camera is someone you love, smiling at you…
Smile back at the camera.
It’s an effortless way to capture the natural essence, beauty and authenticity of your smile…
Do you have a favorite tip or technique that always makes you look great in photos?
Share in the comments!
And be sure to like us on Facebook and subscribe to our YouTube channel so you never miss an episode of Live Your Message Daily.
See you tomorrow — same time, same place — for your daily 60-second video espresso. Make it a habit!
Before you go…
Turn your expertise into income FASTER! Take my $9 Profitable Micro-Niches Mini-Course!
You know the riches are in the niches…
But most people’s niches are too broad — they’re missing that critical Market Fit.
And that’s exactly what your Micro-Niche is all about…
Defining exactly what you do AND exactly who you serve in such a specific, compelling way leaves your Perfect Customers no choice but to lean in and say… how can I get what you’ve got?!
Love it? Hate it? Let me know...
Thanks Marisa !
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