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Working Too Hard? You’re Going to LOVE this 2-Minute Tool

Happy Labor Day!

Today is a day of rest for people who work for a living —  and that’s you and me!

But let me ask you this…

When was the last time you took a REAL break?

I’m not talking about a dream vacation…

Or hanging out with friends over dinner.

Or even meditating.

That’s doing something.

I’m talking about doing absolutely NOTHING.

This may sound boring or weird but it’s Labor Day…

So, I’m inviting you to try something that is probably going to be a brand, new experience…

I want you to do NOTHING for 2 full minutes. Try this 2-minute online tool at Check the description below for the link.

This simple little tool plays the soothing sound of ocean waves as it counts down from 2 minutes to zero.

The only rule? You can’t touch your keyboard or mouse! If you do, the counter returns to 2:00 minutes!

Try it now and then let me know in the comments… did you manage to get through 2 full minutes?

And be sure to like us on Facebook and subscribe to our YouTube channel so you never miss an episode of Live Your Message Daily.

See you tomorrow — same time, same place — for your daily 60-second video espresso. Make it a habit!

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