Ahoy, matey!!! In honor of “Talk like a Pirate Day” today — yes, that’s a real thing! — I’d like to share a fact about pirates that’s going to shock you…
Pirate captains would make GREAT team leaders — minus their negative habits of course!
At Live Your Message, we’re all about learning from everyone — taking what works and dropping what doesn’t — so let’s look at what pirates can teach us about running a team.
Pirates are portrayed as rebellious, lawless thieves and murderers in books and movies and while that’s mostly true, they can also teach us a great deal about running a team.
The core lesson? Pirates are — surprisingly — ALL about fairness and equality!
They believe every member of the crew has equal rights. The captain doesn’t hoard a larger chunk of treasure for himself. Loot or in pirate speak “booty” is divided equally, among crew members.
This creates trust and loyalty and also the kind of unified team work — focused on shared goals — that most of us can only dream about!
How can you adopt some of these ideas to be a better team leader? Leave a comment!
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See you tomorrow — same time, same place — for your daily 60-second video espresso. Make it a habit!
Before you go…
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