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A woman in a green top smiling and holding confetti is seated on a couch. Large pink text to the left reads, Want Your Website To Feel Like You? There is a live your message DAILY logo at the bottom left.


Want Your Website to Feel Like You? Reverse Engineer This…

As a branding expert, I know very few entrepreneurs love their website.

This is not good.

Your website is a BIG part of your personal brand.

If you don’t like your site, it means it doesn’t feel like you and it’s not congruent with your personal brand — who you are and how you want to be perceived.

You can align your site with your brand by reverse engineering the color palette!

Colors call up feelings.

When you match that “feeling” with how you want be perceived, your site will feel a lot more like you.

First, come up with 3 to 5 words that describe you. Are you compassionate, loving, enthusiastic, reliable?

Now match those with colors that convey those traits. Here are a few to get you started:

Blue is wisdom and reliability

Green is harmony and growth

Pink is compassion and love

Just Google “colors and their meanings” to find more.

What are some of the words and colors that represent you and how YOU want to be perceived?

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See you tomorrow — same time, same place — for your daily 60-second video espresso. Make it a habit!

Before you go…

Turn your expertise into income FASTER! Take my $9 Profitable Micro-Niches Mini-Course!

You know the riches are in the niches…

But most people’s niches are too broad — they’re missing that critical Market Fit.

And that’s exactly what your Micro-Niche is all about…

Defining exactly what you do AND exactly who you serve in such a specific, compelling way leaves your Perfect Customers no choice but to lean in and say… how can I get what you’ve got?!

I’ll show you how to find yours in my $9 Mini-Course!

3D cover of a mini course titled Profitable Micro-Niches featuring a woman smiling, surrounded by money graphics and icons like targets and dollar signs.

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