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Smart or Senseless? Telltale Signs You’re Working Hard, Not Smart

Efficiency is about doing the task right… effectiveness is about doing the right task.

If you want a successful business you need to increase effectiveness over efficiency.

And you can do that when you start working smart and stop working hard.

But how can you tell the difference between the 2?

Here are 3 signs that youre working HARD, NOT smart…

#1: You dont have a priority list

Everything is equally important, and you take hours to do everything equally well.

#2: You say yes more than you say no

Say no to tasks if they’re not on your priority list. Otherwise you’re wasting precious time and energy… you’re working hard, not smart.

#3: You cant find what you’re looking for

If it takes ages to locate an important file on your computer or desk, you’ll end up spending extra hours, working. And that’s definitely not working smart!

How can you apply these ideas to start working smart today?

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