We all struggle with our inner critic — the voice that says we’re not good enough, smart enough, pretty enough.
If I listen closely I can hear my inner Negative Nelly now. She’s saying, “Don’t make a fool of yourself!”
This inner voice USED to stop me from experiencing new adventures and opportunities to grow.
But not anymore.
Now, when Nelly pops up, I fight back with a powerful process from psychologist Lynn Newman. I ask myself 3 questions:
Question 1: So what?
When I want to tell Nelly, “Just because you said it, doesn’t make it true!”
Question 2: Who cares?
When I want to tell Nelly “Your criticism doesn’t mean a thing!”
Question 3: Why not?
When I want to tell Nelly ” Hey, I CAN do this. I don’t care what you think!”
YOU are in charge of your life. Not your inner Negative Nelly… or Nelson.
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