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A woman with long hair stands on a beach, holding a colorful soccer ball. She wears a tank top with the text Live Your Message. The image features the slogan Exceptional People Do This in bold letters on a bright yellow background.


Exceptional People Do This on Purpose…

“Practice makes perfect.”

It’s an old saying that holds a lot of wisdom but it’s not 100% true.

Here’s what I’d like to add…

Purposeful practice makes perfect.

Exceptional people — star athletes, world class entertainers, billionaire business owners — know this.

In their book Peak: Secrets from the New Science of Expertise, authors Anders Ericsson and Robert Pool separate purposeful practice which is about focused progress, from what they call naïve practice, which is just mindless repetition.

With purposeful practice you break down one task into smaller elements and practice getting better at each of those elements.

For instance, if you’re learning to play the piano, start by practicing how to hold your fingers over the keyboard.

When you’re good at that, practice basic chords. Then simple tunes before finally moving on to complex melodies.

Purposeful practice sounds slow but it’s the fastest way to go from newbie to master.

Where can you apply the magic of purposeful practice in your life?

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    Leon Raymond woolford

    I think it would be a grave mistake to unsubscribe so sign me up again please.

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