I believe that entrepreneurship can change the world. When we step forward to fully give our gifts and solve the problems that we’re uniquely designed to solve, we help make the world a better place.
I also believe in turning up the dial on your unique expression.
The only way to be heard over the noise of over 2 billion websites is by being more of who you are.
These are some of my deepest beliefs and Live Your Message is founded on them.
And that’s what today’s video blog is about — beliefs and convictions.
It also happens to be the last in our 6-part video series on the power of emotional markets, which is about how people no longer buy based on information alone but based on stories and the emotional needs each product or service fulfills.
(In case you missed the first 5 videos, they’re right here: Video 1, Video 2, Video 3, Video 4, Video 5)
Today’s video is extra special because I’m talking to an extraordinary entrepreneur: Pres Kabacoff.
Pres is the founder of H.R.I. Properties in New Orleans, a company that works to redevelop the historic areas in the city in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.
I asked Pres what makes H.R.I. different from any other real estate development company… and what led to it’s incredible growth so now it’s a company of a couple of thousand employees with over a billion dollars in assets.
Watch the video to find out more!
As Press Kabacoff says…
Having a Strong Mission is the Key to Becoming a Successful Company
Personally, I found that our big mission at Live Your Message — to turn everyday entrepreneurs into online superheroes so they can change the world from their living room — inspires me, motivates me and fuels me.
It’s why I have those late nights and all those early mornings!
It’s a mission driven by my core beliefs and convictions and it’s why I do things that make people think I’m crazy but it’s got me where I am today — living the life I want with a mid 7-figure company that makes a real difference in the world 🙂
We’re at the end of our emotional market video blog series and here’s a little recap of the 6 emotional markets we explored:
- Emotional Market #1: Fun and adventure
- Emotional Market #2: Peace of mind and permanence
- Emotional Market #3: Togetherness, friendship and love
- Emotional Market #4: Care and connection
- Emotional Market #5: Self-identity
- Emotional Market #6: Beliefs and convictions
So when you really understand that your business goes way beyond what you sell — and you laser in on to the stories that you tell and the emotions that you convey through your work — all of a sudden your business becomes MORE than a business…
It becomes a MOVEMENT that stands for much more than what you do.
And that’s what people want to buy these days, that’s what people want to follow and it’s what people want to believe in.
Let me know in the comments…
What’s your mission, core beliefs and convictions behind your business?
How do you plan to integrate some of these emotional markets into what you do so that you can stand for more in your business and become a leader others want to follow?
Join the conversation below — I can’t wait to hear from you! 🙂
Before you go…
Turn your expertise into income FASTER! Take my $9 Profitable Micro-Niches Mini-Course!
You know the riches are in the niches…
But most people’s niches are too broad — they’re missing that critical Market Fit.
And that’s exactly what your Micro-Niche is all about…
Defining exactly what you do AND exactly who you serve in such a specific, compelling way leaves your Perfect Customers no choice but to lean in and say… how can I get what you’ve got?!
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