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A wooden observation deck silhouetted against a night sky filled with striking star trails, creating a mesmerizing radial pattern. The long exposure captures the rotation of the Earth, making the stars streak across the image.


Join the 30 Day “Breakthrough Year” Challenge

Photo by Jason Lawrence
Photo by Jason Lawrence

If You’ve Got Huge Plans for 2014, Then This Will Be The Most Important Video You’ll Watch In The Next 30 Days…


Isn’t it insane that 2014 is already just days away?

If you’re anything like me — you’ve got ambitious plans in your head to build your tribe. To start selling your products. To get more clients. Or simply to launch your new business in a huge way.

Your gaze is firmly locked on the future and you’re ready to get to work getting your important message for the world out in a MASSIVE way. I’ve seen that look before.

(And Lord knows I’ve had that look before, many times…)

But sometime between January 1st and February 1st, we always seem to get “derailed”, don’t we?

Your to-do list explodes. Start-of-year fires need to be put out. Life happens.

It’s easy to get pulled off course and pushed off purpose.

As a result, little-by-little, no matter how tight you’re holding on, that “breakthrough year” you saw so clearly in your head at the start of the year slowly gets pulled out of your grip.

And before you’re able to look up, it’s already February (or March, or April) and 2014 will have started off just like 2013. And 2012. And the 10 before that.

At that point, it’s almost impossible to get back on track. To rewind and start afresh.

I get it …

It’s happened to all of us.

That’s why it’s so important to have the right support network in place…

  • A community of people like you, on the same path, but at different stages.
  • A community of people who understand the emotional journeyyou’re on.
  • A community of people who’ve made the mistakes you’re about to make and who can guide you down the path to success with a steady hand.
  • A community of people who will listen to you publicly declare what you want to do and hold you accountablefor achieving it.
  • A community of people who can give you the vision and the compass you need to actually make it to where you want to go by the end of the year.

That’s why I’m writing to you today.

Starting today, and stretching thru the end of January 2014, I’m forming just such a community of people and if you’re determined to make 2014 YOUR breakthrough year, you’re invited to join.

I’d like to invite you to join our 30-day Breakthrough Year Challenge.

How does it work?

First of all, I’ll give you the compass & map
you’ve been looking for

How do you sort through all your opportunities and figure out what to do first and HOW to do it?

For the first time ever, I’m opening access to Module 1 of my acclaimed training program Message to Money “Your Roadmap to Freedom.”

In that module, you’ll get 5 profound videos that contain all the valuable tools you’ll need to develop your strategic plan to move forward in 2014 powerfully. Think of this like the all-important map & compass you’ll need to set off in the right direction.

In Video 1: “Jumpstart”:

  • You’ll learn how to start building a business aligned with who you are, what you want and why you do what you do.
  • How to build a business that allows you to express and become more of who you are.
  • And how to build a business that will support you financially and fulfill you personally for years to come.

In Video 2: “Find Your Fuel”:

  • You’ll reconnect with the emotionsaround WHY you went into business in the first place through a series of 14 targeted questions.
  • You’ll also form a passion statement that will remind you why you do what you do and get your engines firing again.(When you inspire yourself first, it becomes easy to inspire others. This emotional juice will fuel your actions, energize your message and shape your unique brand. When your business aligns with your purpose, it shows up in your words, your tone, your interactions, the images you create. And everyone whose lives you touch will be able to feel it.)

In Video 3: “Chart Your Destination”:

  • I’ll lead you through a process for identifying your short-term and long-term goals, as well as your big picture lifestyle goals.

Wish you were here...In Video 4: “Identify Your Starting Point”:

  • You’ll discover that the only way to get to your destination is starting from where you are now. In this video, we take stock of where you are now in relation to the top short and long-term goals you identified in Video 3, as well as identifying specific activities to close the gap.
  • You’ll also learn 3 super-effective processes to recognize both your strengthsand weaknesses, so you can structure your business around what you love, and bring in support where you need it.Magic happens when you stop doing the work you dread and focus on what you do best.

In Video 5: “Draw Your Route”:

  • You’ll discover a powerful opportunity filter process to help you make the tough choices around how to prioritize your time and what to focus on first. This will allow you to trade your to do list in for a real strategic action plan that will guide your day-to-day efforts.
  • When you organize everything you do around your outcomes and your “Big Why”, your life will take on a whole new level of performance and meaning. You’ll have the emotional charge to rocket through your day with focus and joy, to overcome any criticism or obstacle, and to move you and your team in leaps and bounds towards your greatest outcomes. Nothing will stop you.

Second, You’ll Be a Part of a Community
That Guarantees Your Success

As well as the compass and map, we’re here to guide you, answer your questions and most of all, keep you accountable for making huge, forward progress.


1. First of all – mark your calendars now for THREE live webinars with me (Jan 2 @ 3pm PT, Jan 20 @ 5pm PT, Feb 3rd @ 5pm PT) where I’ll answer all your strategic planning questions.

  • We’ll deep-dive into examples of what we’ve done that works and what we’re doing that has tripled our business two years in a row.
  • You’ll discover the strategies and mindsets that have fueled our explosive growth and enabled us to release six new, hugely profitable products in the past 12 months alone
  • I’ll listen to your plans and help you avoid the errors in strategy that you just can’t see yet. Errors that will hold you back from having the impact.. the authority … and the income you deserve in 2014.

2. Second – as part of the challenge, you’ll have access to the private, valuable Facebook group — an entire community of 30 Day Breakthrough Challenge participants who are dedicated to making 2014 YOUR breakthrough year.

Fact is, the right support network is the difference between having a disappointing repeat of last year and making 2014 YOUR breakthrough year.

So imagine benefiting from not just my wisdom, but the community’s as well as you start this all-important process.

To Your Breakthrough Year!

Marisa Murgatroyd

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  1. Johanna Avatar

    Hello Marisa,
    could I still join? I see I am a bit late… ?
    And I wonder if I can hear the webinars, replays maybe?

    1. murray gray Avatar
      murray gray

      hi Johanna – sorry for the late reply. Somehow I didn’t see your comment until right now. Apologies! Yes – you can still get in and get full access to the recordings, Facebook group and Module 1 of Message to Money. Just go here for the full instructions: 🙂

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