most?"; $q[2]['a1']="Purpose"; $q[2]['a2']="Profit"; $q[2]['a3']="Passion"; $q[2]['a4']="Play"; $q[2]['label']="Keep going!"; $q[3]['q']="When you come up with an exciting new idea, you first:"; $q[3]['a1']="Begin working on it immediately?"; $q[3]['a2']="Want to know exactly how it will make you money?"; $q[3]['a3']="Think about how it will help people?"; $q[3]['a4']="Ensure that you'll be able to easily make it happen?"; $q[3]['label']="Keep going!"; $q[4]['q']="The best business advice a kid can get is:"; $q[4]['a1']="Follow your heart & do what U love. You'll never work a day in your life"; $q[4]['a2']="Work should feel like play -- easy, simple and natural"; $q[4]['a3']="Do what's going to make good money and provide for your family"; $q[4]['a4']="Do good & make a contribution"; $q[4]['label']="Keep going!"; $q[5]['q']="The best business plan is to:"; $q[5]['a1']="Have a well-thought-out plan for how to proceed"; $q[5]['a2']="Not to have one -- it will work itself out"; $q[5]['a3']="Simply focus on doing GREAT work that you're excited about"; $q[5]['a4']="Concentrate first on how you can help others"; $q[5]['label']="Keep going!"; $q[6]['q']="People often tell you"; $q[6]['a1']="You're logical and practical"; $q[6]['a2']="You sometimes have your head in the clouds"; $q[6]['a3']="You're creative"; $q[6]['a4']="You have a big heart"; $q[6]['label']="Keep going!"; $q[7]['q']="New products/offerings should:"; $q[7]['a1']="Be something you're excited to create (practical or not)"; $q[7]['a2']="Make the world a better place"; $q[7]['a3']="Be in your comfort zone/area of expertise"; $q[7]['a4']="Be a 'sure thing': safe, practical & profitable"; $q[7]['label']="Keep going!"; $q[8]['q']="You would prefer your business to be:"; $q[8]['a1']="Something that comes naturally to you"; $q[8]['a2']="Something profitable"; $q[8]['a3']="Something many people need"; $q[8]['a4']="Creating or building something you love"; $q[8]['label']="Keep going!"; $q[9]['q']="When it comes to the work you do:"; $q[9]['a1']="You're drawn to missions & causes that are 'bigger' than you. Money is secondary"; $q[9]['a2']="You focus on what you want to create (whether or not the world needs it)"; $q[9]['a3']="You focus on what you're really good at and what comes easily to you"; $q[9]['a4']="You focus on more financially promising opportunities"; $q[9]['q9']="Keep going!"; $q[10]['q']="You prefer your work to:"; $q[10]['a1']="Be flexible & open to my intuition in the moment"; $q[10]['a2']="Be carefully and logically planned out in advance"; $q[10]['a3']="Allow you to make a difference in the world"; $q[10]['a4']="Be carefree and joyful"; $q[10]['label']="Almost there!"; $q[11]['q']="Which best describes you?"; $q[11]['a1']="You're very practical and try to think logically"; $q[11]['a2']="You sometimes get so lost in what you're doing that you don't notice the time pass"; $q[11]['a3']="You put others' needs before your own"; $q[11]['a4']="You're full of passion and creativity"; $q[11]['label']="Just about done!"; $q[12]['q']="You would rather:"; $q[12]['a1']="Make a dollar"; $q[12]['a2']="Make a difference"; $q[12]['a3']="Make something beautiful"; $q[12]['a4']="Be in the moment"; $q[12]['label']="One more to go!"; $q[13]['q']="To customize your results, tell us about your business:"; $q[13]['a1']="Still in planning stages!"; $q[13]['a2']="Launched, but generating less than $2,500/month consistently"; $q[13]['a3']="Generating consistent revenue of between $20K-$100K each year"; $q[13]['a4']="Rocking it, with an annual revenue of more than $100K!"; $q[13]['label']="You're done!"; ?> SWY
Question of 13.


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