Which Best Describes You?

We Have 3 Levels of the Momentum Business Coaching Program Based on Your Current Stage of Business Growth

Choose the option that best describes you below


For businesses earning

$0-$29K per year
The Activate Level of Momentum
is right for you if:
  • You’re in the early stages of building a new business.
  • You’re not crystal clear on who you serve or what you do.
  • You’re making less than $2,500/month consistently with the business you’re joining Momentum to grow...
  • Or you’re struggling to make your first sale. But you KNOW the potential is there for you to knock it out of the park and make that mounting monthly paycheck — from your business, not a boss!

But you KNOW the potential is there for you to knock it out of the park and make that mounting monthly paycheck — from your business, not a boss!


For businesses earning

$30K-$99K per year
The Accelerate Level of Momentum
is right for you if:
  • You’re consistently making money in your business, but not as much as you’d like to be (at least $30K/year, but less than $100K/year)...
  • And you want to shatter your income ceiling, leverage your time and scale your business.
  • You know you have massive potential and you’re ready to go big!

If this sounds like you, Momentum Accelerate is for you!


For businesses earning

$100K+ per year
The Amplify Level of Momentum
is right for you if:
  • You have significant business experience and you’ve been in business for awhile.
  • You’re currently making 6 or even 7 figures in your business right now.
  • You’re ready to nail your “One Big Thing” that takes the world by Storm...
  • And you’re itching to scale your business and become a high-6-or-7-figure business in the next couple of years.

If you’re nodding your head right now, Momentum Amplify is for you!