0) $utm_source=$_GET['utm_source']; if(isset($_GET['utm_campaign']) && strlen($_GET['utm_campaign'])>0) $utm_campaign=$_GET['utm_campaign']; if(isset($_GET['utm_medium']) && strlen($_GET['utm_medium'])>0) $utm_medium=$_GET['utm_medium']; if(isset($_GET['utm_content']) && strlen($_GET['utm_content'])>0) $utm_content=$_GET['utm_content']; if(isset($_GET['utm_term']) && strlen($_GET['utm_term'])>0) $utm_term=$_GET['utm_term'];*/ ?> Launch Announcement: Experience Product Masterclass 2020 ?>


We know that all our partners are amazing, ethical, professional and AWESOME affiliates.

At the same time, you need to be aware of our Affiliate Program Rules and Regulations (and understand that your participation in this affiliate promotion confirms your agreement).

Please read every point below to ensure that you're 100% compliant and don't run the risk of losing any commissions.

As a Live Your Message Affiliate you agree to the following:

  1. You must follow all the FTC Guidelines for affiliate marketing. As an affiliate or JV partner for our Experience Product Masterclass Launch, you’ve read and fully agree to the terms listed on the Official FTC website: http://www.ftc.gov/bcp/guides/guides.shtm (please read it to ensure that your promotions are compliant with all guidelines).
  2. No spamming… or 'spammy' / questionable traffic.
  3. No cookie stuffing.
  4. No “Launch Jacking” of any kind including but not limited to using fake review sites.
  5. No 'Negative' Marketing -- including but not limited to review sites, "Is this a scam?" sites, review videos and/or websites. This will automatically get you banned (and commissions negated) from all current and future promotions/launches (and possible legal action may be taken).
  6. No using any kind of domains/URLs that include our banned Keyword List:

    Live Your Message, Marisa Murgatroyd, Experience Product Masterclass, Start With You, Website ATM, LYM, EPM, SWY, WATM.
  7. Affiliates are not permitted to use any keyword-based advertising (such as search engine PPC) targeting any of our banned Keywords:

    Live Your Message, Marisa Murgatroyd, Experience Product Masterclass, Start With You, Website ATM, LYM, EPM, SWY, WATM

    You may not use Marisa's image or likeness in any paid advertising unless it has been pre-approved by us. Email us at [email protected] to get approval anytime during the launch.
  8. If you decide to promote using Facebook (or a website), it needs to be clear that you’re a partner and that you're NOT portraying yourself as Marisa Murgatroyd or Live Your Message through your marketing efforts. Affiliate Partners are also prohibited from using the Ad Assets being run by Marisa Murgatroyd and Live Your Message — please use the Facebook Ad Assets provided for partners! Further, Affiliate Partners are prohibited from direct linking to our domain from any ad platform including google. Doing any of these will disqualify you as a partner all together.
  9. Affiliates are not allowed to promote through Google AdWords directly to their Affiliate Link or through any re-redirect page (visible or invisible). Any affiliate caught cloaking will be banned.
  10. If your conversion ratio to lead creates suspicion of fraud, we will investigate your traffic and notify you of a request to terminate the activity. If fraud is later discovered, then you'll forgo all commissions and/or prizes.

    FINALLY: We reserve the right to remove any and all Affiliates that are found to be harvesting clicks or placing a drain on our servers. If we notice this or any violations of these Affiliate Rules, anyone caught infringing will be notified and surrender all Affiliate Commissions. It's important that all rules are followed as you may be disqualified from our launch at any time if you're not 100% compliant, ethical and professional.

As a Live Your Message Affiliate your Qualifying Commissions are as follows:
LYM pays commissions on all qualifying digital/online programs…

30-40% on the Experience Product Masterclass
Commission on EPM is tiered during our annual launch (ranging from 30-40%) and Evergreen sales are also tiered on the same scale based on the number of units sold in a year.

40% on Start With You & Website ATM
Commission on these programs are 40% year round including during the annual EPM launch (if SWY and Website ATM are promoted directly the commission is 50%)

  • All sales are tracked based on a 90 Day Cookie.
  • A partner cannot earn commission for their own purchase.
  • We're a 'last cookie' AND 'most significant action' Affiliate Program. We also honor the referral feedback and requests received directly from the referred student themselves.

Sample Situations:

  • If an individual opts in via Partner A and then later purchases because of Partner B, Partner B will be attributed for commission.
  • If an individual opts in via Partner A and then clicks on Partner B’s link but doesn’t take an action, when that student later purchases it will be partner A that is attributed for commission.
  • If an individual opts in via several different partners during the length of the promotion, it will be the partner that triggers the last significant action — the sale itself or the last optin — that will be attributed for commission.
  • If an individual contacts the company to confirm that Partner C referred them, we will honor that request if evidence is provided. If however there is only evidence of engagement with Partner A and Partner B, Partner C will not be given credit. Instead, whichever of the partners responsible for the latest, most significant action will receive commission. (Either Partner A or Partner B)