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Live Your Message


With Marisa Murgatroyd




25+ Best Gift Ideas for Small Business Owners in 2024

A small, friendly robot with a square head and smiling face sits against a green wall, plugged into an electrical outlet. The robot’s screen displays a battery charging symbol while it sits on a wooden floor.


Try This for Just 30 Days to Experience Deeper Rejuvenation (& Produce Better Work!)

Staff Picks

A small, friendly robot with a square head and smiling face sits against a green wall, plugged into an electrical outlet. The robot’s screen displays a battery charging symbol while it sits on a wooden floor.


Try This for Just 30 Days to Experience Deeper Rejuvenation (& Produce Better Work!)

Woman smiling, holding a handwritten quote: Quitting is letting go of things (or people) that are sucking the life out of you so you can do more things that will bring you strength. Background text: When Quitting is Good. Logo: live your message DAILY.


When Quitting is GOOD for You…

Smiling woman in a blue dress stands beside the text Look Amazing in Your Website Photos on an orange background. A small live your message DAILY logo is at the bottom. A plant and decorative wall piece are in the background.


You’ll Look AMAZING in Your Signature Website Photos but ONLY if You Pass on This


A woman holding a sign that reads Dont go too ___ with your goals stands next to a graphic that says Goal-Setting to the Top. The image includes the logo live your message DAILY. The background is a bright mixture of pink and white.


Goal-Setting Will Get You to the Top… Unless You Do It Like This!

A woman looks sadly at a wilted plant in a pot with R.I.P. on a tag. The text Do This In Your Research is displayed across a green banner. A small label at the bottom reads live your message DAILY.


If You Don’t Do This in Your Research, You Could Drive Your Business into the Ground

Woman holding a sign with Top 3 Favorite Client Traits: 1. Decisive 2. Humble 3. Action-Taker written in green. Purple text on left reads Rapid Growth & Lasting Success. Logo at bottom reads Live Your Message Daily.


You MUST Make This Strategic Move if You Want Rapid Growth and Lasting Success in Your Business

A smiling woman holds a fishing rod with a rubber duck in a large metal tub filled with water and floating ducks. Text on the image says Entrepreneurs Share This Trait. A small graphic logo reads live your message DAILY.


The Most Successful Entrepreneurs on Earth Share These Traits

A woman holding a paper with an illustration of Gollum from The Lord of the Rings. The text on the image reads, Entrepreneurs Apply This Strategy and Are You Going Smeagol on Your Business? with Live Your Message Daily at the bottom.


ALL Million-Dollar Entrepreneurs Apply this Strategy as Soon as Possible…


A woman holds a picture featuring a quote and a photo of a man. The image includes the text Grow Your Discipline and LYM Daily on a purple splash background. The setting appears to be a home or office environment.


You’ll Grow Your Discipline Muscle When You Get RID of This…

A smiling woman in a striped pink top holds a plate of food outdoors. The word Free! is written in large white letters on a blue background. LYM Daily is displayed at the bottom in white text on a dark background.


This will TRULY Set You Free

A woman holding a sign that reads Success is for those who embrace stands behind a stack of colorful books. Text on the left says Make a Choice! LYM Daily with a vibrant, creative background.


Make this Choice and You’ll Succeed No Matter What

A smiling woman points at a drawing of a brain she’s holding in one hand. The word Cultivate! is written above her in bold letters. A kitchen setting and a vase of lilies are visible in the background. The words LYM Daily are on the bottom left.


The Secret to Cultivating Positive Habits

Woman smiling and holding a sign with a quote about ships and harbors. The background features large windows and modern decor. Text on image reads Welcome! LYM Daily.


Welcome to the Party!!

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